Solu-Stimulant,TM a 100% natural bio-stimulant helps to support soil environments which improve nutrient uptake of all plants and reduces fertilizer inputs. It aids all plants in tolerating environmental stress factors such as heat, drought, frost, insect and disease pressures. Solu-Stimulant is also a perfect accompaniment to mycorrhizal inoculations, mixing readily in water to create a soil injectable solution.
{tab Ingredients}
Solu-StimulantTM is a 100% natural water soluble blend of OMRI Listed Solu-KelpTM Soluble Seaweed Powder and OMRI Listed Solu-MateTM Humic Acid Powder.

{tab Growth Compounds}
The natural plant growth compounds contained in Solu-StimulantTM include 16 trace minerals, cytokinins, gibberellins, and auxins. These substances have a direct benefit in rooting, mineral chelation and resiliency in coping with overall stressful conditions.
{tab Guidelines}
General Guidelines: Solu-StimulantTM may be reconstituted by mixing one pound of powder into 1 ½ gallon of water. Solu-Stimulant is always further diluted with water to the appropriate concentration. Mix 1 ½ gallon of reconstituted powder with water sufficient to cover one acre. Powder may be added directly to 100 gallons of water if sufficient agitation can be assured. Agitate until powder had been dissolved.
Make repeat applications at least 10 days apart and generally not exceed 60 ounces of soluble powder per acre a season. Frequent, low dose applications are generally more beneficial than single high dose treatments.
Note that Solu-StimulantTM may stain light colored surfaces and foliage.
{tab Application Rates}
Turf: Apply 16 to 24 oz. of powder diluted in water per acre.
Trees and Shrubs: Tank mix one pound of powder per 100 gallons of fertilizer. Soil drench or inject, following the recommended rates of the fertilizer.
Greenhouse/Irrigation/Hydroponics: Inject at a dilution rate of 200:1. Apply every 3-4 weeks.
Vegetables/Fruit: Apply 16 to 24 oz. of powder diluted in water per acre.
Compost Tea Ingredient: Add 1 1/2 pounds per 100 gallons at beginning of brew cycle. An additional 1/2 to 1 pound may be added after dilution and applied to one acre.
{tab Documentation}
Click here to view product label.