Compostwerks has worked with many firms in the landscape industry. We are familiar with the unique challenges that landscapers and designers have to face. Proper installation of plant material is paramount; however, follow up care is a critical piece that is often missing. With the right management practices in place, you speed establishment and reduce plant mortality dramatically. This can all be done without the use of pesticides and petroleum based fertilizers. We are here as a resource of information, products and equipment. Let us help you develop maintenance programs that use only natural methods.

Soil enrichment with quality compost, compost tea applications, organic fertilization, correct mulching and proper cultural care are all essential components of a sustainable management plan.
Compostwerks can provide equipment and products which are specific to your application;

•You will be very interested in our modular spray equipment which will allow the application of multiple materials on one property visit

•Compost Top Dressing Equipment

•Compost Tea Brewers

•North Country Organics fertilizers

•Liquid Fertilizers

•Compost Tea food resources

•Premium quality brewing compost

•High quality grass seed mixes

•Natural Pest Controls